Talent Discovery and Development Program (TDaD)

The Talent Discovery and Development (TDaD) program stands as PCDF’s flagship initiative. It involves community outreach aimed at fostering awareness and aiding individuals in uncovering and nurturing their talents. Utilizing a meticulously crafted research-based worksheet encompassing various talent categories, PCDF facilitates the identification of primary and secondary talent attributes among community members. By forging partnerships with community stakeholders and parents, we endeavour to enrol these individuals into talent discovery hubs. Additionally, we secure venues and employ experienced facilitators to provide training and support for the development of their identified talents.

Progress to Date:

To date, PCDF has employed its worksheet to assist over 2,800 young individuals across diverse communities in Nigeria, Kenya, and Ghana in discovering their talents. We are presently establishing collaborations with other organizations, with the aim of enrolling most of our participants, subject to parental consent, into the talent development program. This program is scheduled to commence in January 2024, spanning a specific duration to facilitate talent discovery and mastery.

Prince Orji Mentorship Program (POMP)

The Prince Orji Mentorship Program (POMP) serves as a platform dedicated to nurturing personal development, fostering leadership skills, and promoting character growth among young people across Africa. This initiative extends its focus primarily to beneficiaries of the TDaD program. The overarching goal is to ensure that PCDF not only cultivates talented young Africans but also fosters individuals who exhibit exemplary character, possess a profound understanding of leadership,and actively engagein personal development.

Progress to Date:

PCDF has successfully mentored over 100 young individuals, predominantly in Nigeria. In the forthcoming year, we plan to expand our mentorship program to other countries within our reach. We have organized physical mentorship events and currently operate six-month mentorship cohorts in which mentors are assigned to mentees for training and guidance. An inclusive  curriculum addresses key aspects of personal development, with 40 mentees
currently enrolled in the virtual mentorship program. We are actively exploring strategies to reach underserved communities in Africa lacking the technological resources required for virtual mentorship participation.

What Do You Say (WDYS)

The”What Do You Say” (WDYS) program is designed to solicit ideasand insights from young individuals aged 9-15 regarding Africa’s current state and suggestions for instigating meaningful changein the continent. WDYS employs methods such as essay competitions and conferences to achieve its objectives. In the inaugural year, an essay competition was conducted, inviting young participants to reflect on the topic, “Talent discovery and development: Tools for poverty alleviation inAfrica.”

Entries were meticulously graded based on standard essay evaluation criteria. Notably, PCDF placed an emphasis on originality, reducing the scores of essays generated using artificial intelligence or containing instances of plagiarism. Prizes wereawarded to thetop threeessaysthatexhibited genuine, individualexpression.

WDYS fundamentally serves as a platform for amplifying the voices of young stakeholders, who are often overlooked in policy and ideaformulation for Africa’s progress. By incorporating their ideas into our programs and research, PCDF strivesto betterservetheir needs.

Progress to Date:

WDYS conducted its inaugural essay competition in the current year, with plans
to organize conferences in the upcoming year. The program’s primary components encompass conferences and essay competitions

Education for the Underserved (E4U)

Education for the Under-Served (E4U) is a program dedicated to enrolling marginalized and underserved children residing in rural areas, slums, or impoverished educational environments into schools. PCDF aims to cover their tuition fees while also integrating them into our talent development and mentorship initiatives.

While E4U is currently in the developmental phase, we anticipate commencing operations in the coming year. PCDF is actively engaged in forming partnerships with other foundations to further this endeavor.

PCDF remains committed to these four programs as integral components of our mission to facilitate the holistic development of young individuals and contribute to positive change in Africa.

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